Geico Insurance Companies

Every year, hundreds, if not thousands, of drivers make the decision to switch from their current insurance providers for any number of reasons. If you are seriously contemplating making the switch, here are 7 great reasons why you should.

1. You found a better rate with a different company

Spending a couple of hours requesting quotes from multiple insurance companies may provide you with a much better rate the one you are currently receiving. If that is the case, consider making a switch to one of the more affordable companies and saving a couple of dollars in the process.

2. You plan on moving to another state

This may come as a shock, but the truth is not every insurance company is authorized to do business in every state. If your current insurer is unauthorized to operate where you plan on moving too, plan on moving to a new insurance provider as well.

3. You decided to combine your insurance policies with one company

If you have your home and/or life insurance with one or more companies and your car insurance with another, know that many insurers offer discounts to drivers who decide to combine their various insurance policies with the same insurer. This is commonly referred to as a multi-policy discount.

4. You regularly experience poor customer service

If your current insurance provider provides a terrible customer service experience, this may be enough of a reason for some people to consider switching companies.

5. You recently added a second car to your insurance policy

Adding a second car to your policy may come with the added benefit of a multi-vehicle discount. If your current car insurance provider does not offer this kind of discount, it might be beneficial to find an insurer that does.

6. You've outgrown your current insurance company

If you find that you are not receiving enough coverage from your current insurance company, consider shopping around for an insurance company that can provide you with the exact amount coverage you need.

7. Your insurance rates increased greatly after adding a new driver

While it's common to see an increase in your insurance rates after you add a new driver to your policy, if your insurance rates increased well beyond what you feel is a reasonable level, it might be time to consider finding a new insurance company offering a better rate.